The proliferation of regulatory cases in which replacement interventions are envisaged in the face of inertia in the performance of administrative acts is the source of a renewed dogmatic interest in the power of administrative replacement.This paper, starting from a historical investigation on the substitution power, aims to give a systematic framework in the light of the current regulatory context so as to reconstruct those features common to the different types of substitution that allow a unitary legal qualification. This investigation is functional to the resolution of the issues that the exercise of the substitution power raises such as the attribution of the deed adopted as a substitute, the exhaustibility of the administrative power, the identification of the Authority which has the power to review the act adopted.
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I contenuti redazionali di questo sito sono distribuiti con una licenza Creative Commons, Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Italia (CC BY-SA 3.0 IT) eccetto dove diversamente specificato. Diretta da G. Terracciano, G. Mazzei, J. Espartero Casado. Direttore Responsabile: G. Caputi. Redazione: C. Rizzo. Iscritta al N. 16/2009 del Reg. stampa del Tribunale di Roma - ISSN 2036-7821