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Il caso “bonus Covid” in favore dei titolari di cariche pubbliche: i rilievi sollevati all’INPS dal Garante per la protezione dati personali


This work traces the arguments produced by the Italian Data Protection Authority in the injunction measure issued to INPS, in the context of the "Covid bonus" case paid to subjects with VAT numbers. The Authority's investigation activity mainly focuses on the analysis of the methods through which the anti-fraud assessment work carried out by the Institute was carried out, aimed at ascertaining that, among the applicants for the economic measure, subjects vested with offices were found policies. It is highlighted that for the process of raising awareness of the privacy issue, decisive and further impulses are required, with the primary purpose of guaranteeing the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects.

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I contenuti redazionali di questo sito sono distribuiti con una licenza Creative Commons, Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Italia (CC BY-SA 3.0 IT) eccetto dove diversamente specificato. Diretta da G. Terracciano, G. Mazzei, J. Espartero Casado. Direttore Responsabile: G. Caputi. Redazione: G. Iacovino, C. Rizzo. Iscritta al N. 16/2009 del Reg. stampa del Tribunale di Roma - ISSN 2036-7821