Saggi e contributi scientifici

Regulación profesional de los técnicos deportivos y directivas del mercado interior de servicios y de reconocimiento de cualificaciones


The restrictions based on the demand of possession of qualifications can constitute barriers to the free circulation and provision of professional services, preventing the achievement of the Community objective of the internal market. This circumstance thoroughly influences the reality of the profesional services of the sports experts in Spain, since the current Sport Law 10/1990, October 15, imposes requirements of qualification to the experts or trainers who expect to provide their services in official competitions. This has generated tensions regarding the Community regulations of the competency, without having take place no change of this noted regulation, despite the time passed. Therefore, the difficulties that can find the new normative draft expected are analysed here

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I contenuti redazionali di questo sito sono distribuiti con una licenza Creative Commons, Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Italia (CC BY-SA 3.0 IT) eccetto dove diversamente specificato. Diretta da G. Terracciano, G. Mazzei, J. Espartero Casado. Direttore Responsabile: G. Caputi. Redazione: G. Iacovino, C. Rizzo. Iscritta al N. 16/2009 del Reg. stampa del Tribunale di Roma - ISSN 2036-7821